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RAPIDĀ |Ā Hamstring Strain Physio


One of DublinsĀ Best Physiotherapy Clinics with over 300 5 Star Reviews.

Book in with us today to find out how you can get your hamstring back to 100% and prevent future injury!

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Hamstring Pain 


Hamstring injuries are one of the most common injuries which we see at RAPID. The hamstring is hugely important to the normal function of our everyday lives, such as walking and getting out of a chair. It is also vital during sport, any kind of hamstring injury will make running, jumping and kicking extremely difficult.

Hamstring pain can be simply split into acute hamstring injuries and chronic hamstring pain.

Acute hamstring injuries normally occur during a sprint, acceleration, deceleration or from slipping or being tackled. There may have been a snap or a pop and pain was likely immediate after this incident. There may have been swelling and bruising which developed over the following days. It might have been very difficult to walk and put weight on the leg after the injury. These types of injuries can be quite debilitating and it is important to get them assessed as soon as possible to grade the injury and what figure out what the recovery journey will be like. 

Chronic hamstring pain may have no one clear moment of onset, or it may stem from an old acute hamstring strain which should have healed by now. There may have been several acute hamstring strains over a number of months or years. It may have progressively gotten worse over the subsequent weeks, months and sometimes even years since the initial onset! This pain is usually aggravated by increased activity such as long walks / runs, gym work or sports, especially involving higher speeds. This pain can be quite debilitating, and often a combination of rest, anti inflammatories and pain killers have been unsuccessful. You may think that it is something that you will have to live with for the rest of your life. At RAPID we often see patients who have had chronic hamstring pain for a long time, have seen multiple professionals in the past without success and go on to make a full recovery with our expert assessment and rehabilitation. 

Signs / Symptoms of Hamstring Injury


An acute hamstring strain will involve a clear moment of injury, such as sprinting, followed by immediate pain and decreased ease of movement. Whereas a chronic hamstring pain will be more longstanding and usually aggravated by increased activity.

Here are the most common aggravating movement we see at RAPID for both acute and chronic hamstring issues.  straightening up - such as out of bed, a car or a chair.

  • Pain bending over / stretching the hamstring - putting on shoes, picking things off the floor, stretching.
  • Pain walking or running, especially as the foot kicks out in front. Worse at higher speeds.
  • Pain contracting the hamstring - kicking heel toward your bum, doing hamstring exercises in the gym.
  • Pain sitting for long periods, especially on lower seats.
  • Pain squatting, lunging or doing deadlifts in the gym.
  • Pain sprinting, jumping and kicking.
  • Pain after an activity but not during - running, hiking, sport.

The pain may be at one specific point in your hamstring or down the entire muscle / tendon. It may feel like a nerve pain. You may feel weak on that side and that you limp or lean on the other side. At RAPID we strive to find the Root Cause of your hamstring injury and build you back much stronger and more robust than before so that this type of injury does not repeat itself.

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How to Treat Hamstring Pain?


The first step to treating your hamstring pain is to get it assessed by one of our expert Chartered Physiotherapists.

At RAPID we complete an extremely thorough assessment in order to get the most definite diagnosis possible and in order to provide you with the most complete plan to full recovery. Your individual treatment will be dependent on your injury and the results of our assessment.

Most hamstring injury rehabilitation will involve a progressive strengthening program with expert exercises to fix your pain and improve your everyday function and your sporting performance.

RAPID | Hamstring Strain Physio Experts


We at RAPID are experts when it comes to dealing with pain and injury. With over 200 5-Star Reviews you can be sure you are in good hands! 


Here are some of the other conditions which we regularly see and treat: 

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